Land Ocean Biogeochemistry
Investigating carbon cycling in freshwater, coastal, and marine environments
Research Themes:
Land Ocean Fluxes
This flow of carbon from land to sea via aquatic systems represents a significant and changing term in the global carbon budget, but carries large uncertainties. The majority of my work focuses on understanding the processes which determine the quantity, quality, and end-fate of this transported material.
Analytical Chemistry
Dissolved organic matter is extremely complex, and ubiquitous in aquatic systems. It’s chemical composition is poorly understood, limiting our understanding of how key biogeochemical cycles (including the carbon cycle) operate. I work with high resolution mass spectrometry to characterise this material.
Blue Carbon
Coastal vegetated habitats like seagrass, mangroves, and saltmarsh are among the world’s most efficient natural carbon stores, but climate change and anthropogenic disturbance is altering the way in which they function. I am interested in understanding what controls organic carbon storage in these important environments.