Latest News
23rd - 29th May, 2022 - Tjarnö Marine Station
This week our lab group has been visiting Gothenburg University’s Tjarnö Marine Station where we successfully extracted marine DOM from 1,500 L deep (45m) seawater using bespoke solid phase extraction kit.
The material extracted this week will undergo a full chemical characterisation and, all being well, will be used to create a marine standard. This will allow comparisons to be made between mass spec analysis performed in different laboratories and instruments around the world. This kind of standard is common in freshwater studies, but doesn’t yet exist for marine waters, so represents an important step forward.
We were joined by Teresa Catala from Oldenburg University.
24th - 28th April, 2022 - DAEMONS Sampling
This week I’ve been working on Sweden’s west coast, working with researchers from UKCEH, IVL, and SLU to conduct synoptic sampling of the Gårdsjön catchment and adjacent coastal waters. We managed to capture 22 freshwater sites, 23 river mouths, and 20 marine stations.
I’ll be contributing LC-MS data to this study, which we’ll repeat in late August to capture post-summer conditions. Our results will be used to parameterize a biogeochemical model of DOM export, similar to the uniDOM model.
4th April, 2022 - A new job!
I am thrilled to announce that today I joined the Department of Chemistry at Uppsala University as a Post Doctoral Researcher.
Funded by a Carl Tryggers Research Fellowship, I will spend the next 2 years working with Jeff Hawkes to develop our mechanistic understanding of dissolved organic matter in aquatic systems using high resolution analytical tools.
15th September, 2020 - ICOS Science Conference
It was a pleasure to present our vision for a pan-European land ocean carbon monitoring network at the annual ICOS Science Conference today, and to hear from others in the vibrant (and growing!) community of scientists working in this field. Great conversations in the chat too , with lots of interest in this important part of the global carbon cycle!
You can read more about our contribution to the conference here. The associated report is available here.
23rd July, 2020 - NOC Values Awards
Each year, NOC holds an awards ceremony to recognise staff who embody it’s core values: Excellence, Innovative Thinking, Empowerment, Environmental Responsibility, Integrity, and Working in Partnership. This year, I was nominated in the Innovative Thinking category, which was lovely, especially considering how many amazing, innovative thinkers I work with!
“Stacey … consistently looks at the challenges ahead and thinks ‘how can I get the best out of this situation?’ - and rarely is the answer anything other than something out of the ordinary.”
Congratulations to all the other nominees, and to the very deserving winners!
23rd and 24th April, 2020 - Belize Blue Carbon Meeting
It was a pleasure to contribute to a virtual workshop on the state of science related to Belize’s blue carbon ecosystems, held by WWF Mesoamerica together with the Belize National Climate Change Office and the Pew Charitable Trust.
The meeting welcomed over 70 researchers, government officials, and stakeholders to kick start efforts to update Belize’s blue carbon science base to inform efforts to include the country’s blue carbon within Nationally Defined Contributions. You can read more about the meeting here.
30th May, 2019 - University of Belize MoU
Today the NOC finalised a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Belize, and it was an honour to represent the NOC at the signing ceremony.
The MoU formalises an already positive and productive partnership, with the institutions working in close partnership for the last 18 months to understand the influence of land use on water quality and Belize’s globally important coastal zone and barrier reef system. The partnership will see more joint training, research, and technical programmes to enable knowledge transfer and research collaboration to deliver world-class marine science for the benefit of local, regional, and global communities.
Read the full press release here.
15th April, 2019 - Belize Fellows visit NOC
For the last fortnight, myself and Chris Barry (CEH) have been hosing Dr Joaquin Urbina and student Esthersita Hernandez from the University of Belize.
Joaquin and Esthersita are in the UK as part of the Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme Fellowship Scheme, and we provided training to allow them to better investigate the influence of land management on water quality in Belize. This included the use of novel optode technology, and training on land cover mapping.
Read the full release here.